Friday, February 09, 2007

New me

this is before im going to be a wife and of course before nak jadi pregnant mother la.. ehehehehhe thx to elin yang take this 2 pictures.. muahxxxxx and yang bawah nih after married and mother to be ... :D~ hope nothing happen.. semoga tuhan berkati perjalanan hidup aku and arin dan baby yang 4 weeks nih..
Look at me.. am i smaller then before.. ?? nampak nyer macam tuh la.. hehehehe... hari ni aku terpaksa bekerja walau pun tak der aper2 keja.. sakit macam tak sakit jer kan.. nak wat macam mana keja.. sampai dah sakit pun keja jge..i supposed get a full rest at home by this moment.. tapi apa kan daya.. kita makan gaji jer.. tak leh la nak ckp byk.. but doc pun marah.. " u very confident that u can work by tomorrow.." if u pengsan how..??" aper aku nak ckp.. garu kepala jer la.. aper blh buat.. walau pun sakit terpaksa berkorban dan korban kan diri jge.. hope ill get well soon... all my fren pls pray for me.. i want to be happy as the other mother..


Elyn Sani said...

ermm apa yg new???? new perut kot huhuhu

nadja said...

new la after married.. new perut new mother to be..